This very night your life will be demanded from you.
Luke 12:20
Words: Howard A. Walter, My Creed, and Other Poems (Boston, Massachusetts: Richard G. Badger, 1912), page 104.
Music: Stafford Johann G. C. Störl, arranged by Samuel S. Wesley (🔊
Julianin the lyrics is Flavius Claudius Julianus (331–363), the last non-Christian ruler of the Roman Empire.Though raised a Christian, he is called
Julian the Apostatedue to his attempt to re-impose paganism as the empire’s official religion.Julian was killed during the Battle of Samarra in Mesopotamia (now Sammara, Iraq, سَامَرَّاء). The first line below gives what are said to be his dying words.
This short hymn is a good reminder of how all people, high and low, of every faith (or no faith at all), will be judged based on their acceptance or rejection of the Gospel.
Galilean, Thou hast conquered!
Thus the dying Julian cried
As his soul went forth, defeated,
To the Lord his life defied.
Galilean, Thou hast conquered!
Thus shall ring our triumph cry
When our souls, by Christ enfolded,
Find it is not death to die.