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Scripture Verse

The Gospel of Christ…is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes. Romans 1:16


Uzziah C. Burnap (1834–1900)

Words: Hen­ry H. Twee­dy (1868–1953). In 1928, this hymn won the Hymn So­ci­ety of Am­eri­ca’s mis­sion­ary hymn com­pe­ti­tion.

Music: Ames­bury Uz­zi­ah C. Bur­nap, 1895 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Henry H. Tweedy


Eternal God, whose pow­er up­holds
Both flow­er and flam­ing star,
To whom there is no here nor there,
No time, no near nor far,
No ali­en race, no for­eign shore,
No child un­sought, un­known,
O send us forth, Thy pro­phets true,
To make all lands Thine own!

O God of love, whose Spir­it wakes
In ev­ery hu­man breast,
Whom love, and love alone can know,
In whom all hearts find rest,
Help us to spread Thy gra­cious reign
Till greed and hate shall cease,
And kind­ness dwell in hu­man hearts,
And all the earth find peace!

O God of truth, whom sci­ence seeks
And rev­er­ent souls ad­ore,
Who light­est ev­ery ear­nest mind
Of ev­ery clime and shore,
Dispel the gloom of er­ror’s night,
Of ig­nor­ance and fear,
Until true wis­dom from ab­ove
Shall make life’s path­way clear!

O God of beau­ty, oft re­vealed
In dreams of hu­man art,
In speech that flows to me­lo­dy,
In ho­li­ness of heart,
Teach us to ban all ug­li­ness
That blinds our eyes to Thee,
Till all shall know the love­li­ness
Of lives made fair and free.

O God of right­eous­ness and grace,
Seen in the Christ, Thy Son,
Whose life and death re­veal Thy face,
By whom Thy will was done.
Inspire Thy her­alds of good news
To live Thy life di­vine,
Till Christ has formed in all man­kind
And ev­ery land is Thine!