Scripture Verse

Then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Lizzie DeArmond (1847–1936)

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Words: Liz­zie De­Ar­mond, 1920. De­di­cat­ed to Evan­gel­ist Har­ry W. Vom Bruch.

Music: El­ton M. Roth (🔊 pdf nwc).

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When I come to the end
Of the long, long road,
The sha­dows will flee away,
And I’ll stand in the glo­ri­ous
Light of God,
Where dwell­eth eter­nal day.


When I come to the end,
The end of the road,
To the land of eter­ni­ty,
When I come to the end
Of life’s long road,
The face of my Lord I’ll see.

Looking back o’er the years
That were hard and drear,
The hand of the Christ I’ll see;
While my heart will go forth
With a song of praise,
Because of His love for me.


When I come to the end
Of the long, long road,
And tri­als will all be past,
I shall look in the face
Of my dear­est friend,
Safe home in His Heav’n at last.
