Scripture Verse

There shall be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26


Elizabeth H. Codner (1823–1919)

Words: Eli­za­beth H. Cod­ner, in The Re­vi­val, Ap­ril 28, 1860.

Music: Ev­en Me Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


A par­ty of young friends ov­er whom I was watch­ing with anx­ious hope at­tend­ed a meet­ing in which de­tails were giv­en of a re­viv­al work in Ire­land. They came back great­ly im­pressed.

My fear was lest their own fleece re­main dry, and I pressed up­on them the pri­vi­lege and re­spon­si­bi­li­ty of gett­ing a share in the out­poured bless­ing.

On the Sun­day fol­low­ing, not be­ing well enough to get out, I had a time of qui­et com­mun­ion. Those child­ren were still on my heart, and I longed to press up­on them an ear­nest in­di­vi­du­al ap­peal.

Without ef­fort words seemed to be giv­en to me, and they took the form of a hymn, which as it was passed from one to an­oth­er of the young peo­ple, be­came a word of pow­er, and I then pub­lished it as a leaf­let.

Of its fu­ture his­to­ry I can on­ly say the Lord took it quite out of my own hands. It was read from pul­pits, cir­cu­lat­ed by tens of thou­sands, and blessed in a re­mark­able de­gree.

Every now and then some sweet to­ken was sent to cheer me in a some­what iso­lat­ed life, of its in­flu­ence up­on souls.

Now it would be tid­ings from afar of a young of­fi­cer dy­ing in Ind­ia and send­ing home his Bi­ble with the hymn past­ed on the fly­leaf as the pre­cious me­mo­ri­al of that which brought him to the Lord.

Then came the sto­ry of a poor out­cast ga­thered in­to the fold by the same means.

Then came to me a let­ter gi­ven me by Mr. E. P. Ham­mond, which he had re­ceived, and in which were the words: Thank you for sing­ing that hymn Even Me, for it was the sing­ing of that hymn that saved me. I was a lost wo­man, a wick­ed mo­ther. I have stol­en and lied and been so bad to my dear, in­no­cent child­ren.

Friendless, I at­tend­ed your in­qui­ry meet­ing; but no one came to me be­cause of the crowd.

But on Sa­tur­day af­ter­noon, at the First Pres­by­ter­ian Church, when they all sang that hymn to­ge­ther, those beau­ti­ful words, Let some drops now fall on me, and al­so those, Bless­ing oth­ers, O bless me, it seemed to reach my ve­ry soul. I thought, Je­sus can ac­cept me—even me, and it brought me to his feet, and I feel the bur­den of sin re­moved. Can you won­der that I love those words and I love to hear them sung?

The orig­in­al ren­der­ing has in a va­ri­ety of in­stan­ces been de­part­ed from. To some al­te­ra­tions I have con­sent­ed, but al­ways pre­fer that the words re­main un­changed from the form in which at first God so rich­ly blessed them.

The point of the hymn, in its close and in­di­vi­du­al ap­pli­ca­tion, is in the Ev­en me at the end of the verse. I thank­ful­ly com­mit them to who­ev­er de­sires to use them in the ser­vic­es of our bless­ed Mas­ter.

Elizabeth Codner, in Nutter, p. 187

A gen­tle­man in Eng­land sends this in­ci­dent: A poor wo­man, in a dark vil­lage, at­tend­ed a High Church mis­sion, where the good Gos­pel hymn, ‘Even Me,’ was sung from a print­ed leaf­let. A few days af­ter­ward the old wo­man be­came se­ri­ous­ly ill, and soon she died.

But she seemed to have ta­ken in all the Gos­pel through this hymn, and to the last re­peat­ed with rev­er­ence and joy, ‘Ev­en me, ev­en me,’ not re­mem­ber­ing one word of the ser­mon that she had heard at the mis­sion. This was in 1877.

Soon af­ter we had an ev­an­gel­is­tic meet­ing in the same vil­lage, in a barn three hun­dred years old, where this hymn was sung with great ef­fect.

Sankey, pp. 141–42


Lord, I hear of show­ers of bless­ing,
Thou art scat­ter­ing full and free;
Showers the thirs­ty land re­fresh­ing;
Let some drops now fall on me;
Even me, ev­en me,
Let some drops now fall on me.

Pass me not, O God, my Fa­ther,
Sinful though my heart may be;
Thou mightst leave me, but the ra­ther;
Let Thy mer­cy light on me;
Even me, ev­en me,
Let Thy mer­cy light on me.

Pass me not, O gra­cious Sav­ior,
Let me live and cling to Thee;
I am long­ing for Thy fa­vor;
Whilst Thou’rt call­ing, O call me;
Even me, ev­en me,
Whilst Thou’rt call­ing, O call me.

Pass me not, O migh­ty Spir­it!
Thou canst make the blind to see;
Witnesser of Je­sus’ mer­it,
Speak the Word of pow­er to me;
Even me, ev­en me,
Speak the Word of pow­er to me.

Have I been in sin long sleep­ing,
Long been slight­ing, griev­ing Thee?
Has the world my heart been keep­ing?
O for­give and res­cue me;
Even me, ev­en me,
O for­give and res­cue me.

Love of God, so pure and change­less,
Blood of Christ, so rich and free;
Grace of God, so strong and bound­less
Magnify them all in me;
Even me, ev­en me,
Magnify them all in me.

Pass me not; but par­don bring­ing,
Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee;
Whilst the streams of life are spring­ing,
Blessing oth­ers, O bless me;
Even me, ev­en me,
Blessing oth­ers, O bless me.