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Scripture Verse

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me. Psalm 23:4


Words: Laur­ene High­field, in Truth and Hope, by Al­fred E. Hel­ton et al. (Le­noir, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1919), num­ber 85.

Music: Im­mer­grün W. Hen­ry Quill­en, 1919 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of High­field (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Henry Quillen (1875–1959)


There’s a beau­ti­ful ev­er­green val­ley,
Where the wea­ry and way­worn may rest,
And it lies just be­yond the dark sha­dows
That are ga­ther­ing thick in the west.


When we en­ter the val­ley of sha­dows,
Where life’s way with its tri­als must cease,
We shall find it an ev­er­green val­ley,
Blessed with qui­et, con­tent­ment, and peace.

We will come to its bor­der at sun­set,
Where the jour­ney of life finds its end;
We will pitch our tents there till the morn­ing,
Which the Fa­ther in glo­ry will send.


When we en­ter the val­ley of sha­dows,
The dear Sav­ior our foot­steps will guide,
And the way will be safe from all dan­ger,
If we keep ve­ry close to His side.


There’s a beau­ti­ful ev­er­green val­ley,
It is known as the val­ley of death;
Wafted in from the fair land be­yond it,
There is borne a soft life giv­ing breath.
