Scripture Verse

Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins. Psalm 19:12–13


Words & Mu­sic: C. Maude Bat­ters­by, ar­ranged by Charles H. Ga­bri­el, cir­ca 1911 (🔊 pdf nwc). This song has been per­formed by ma­ny ar­tists, in­clud­ing El­vis Pres­ley and Mar­ty Rob­bins.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bat­ters­by (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


If I have wound­ed any soul to­day,
If I have caused one foot to go as­tray,
If I have walked in my own will­ful way,
Dear Lord, for­give!

If I have ut­tered idle words or vain,
If I have turned aside from want or pain,
Lest I my­self shall suf­fer through the strain,
Dear Lord, for­give!

If I have been per­verse or hard, or cold,
If I have longed for shel­ter in Thy fold,
When Thou hast giv­en me some fort to hold,
Dear Lord, for­give!

Forgive the sins I have con­fessed to Thee;
Forgive the sec­ret sins I do not see;
O guide me, love me and my keep­er be,
Dear Lord, Amen.