Scripture Verse

Let the King hear us when we call. Psalm 20:9


Thomas B. Pollock (1836–1896)

Words: Tho­mas B. Pol­lock, 1875.

Music: Gow­er’s Li­ta­ny John H. Gow­er, 1891 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gow­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Father, hear Thy child­ren’s call;
Humbly at Thy feet we fall,
Prodigals, con­fess­ing all:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Christ, be­neath Thy cross we blame
All our life of sin and shame,
Penitent, we breathe Thy name:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Holy Spir­it, grieved and tried,
Oft for­got­ten and de­fied,
Now we mourn our stub­born pride:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Love that caused us first to be,
Love that bled upon the tree,
Love that draws us lov­ing­ly:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

We Thy call have dis­obeyed,
Into paths of sin have strayed,
And re­pent­ance have de­layed:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Sick, we come to Thee for cure,
Guilty, seek Thy mer­cy sure,
Evil, long to be made pure:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Blind, we pray that we may see,
Bound, we pray to be made free,
Stained, we pray for sanc­ti­ty:
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

Thou who hear’st each con­trite sigh,
Bidding sin­ful souls draw nigh,
Willing not that one should die,
We be­seech Thee, hear us.

By the love that bids Thee spare,
By the Heav’n Thou dost pre­pare,
By Thy pro­mis­es to pray­er,
We be­seech Thee, hear us.