Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Mark 4:40
Words & MuÂsic: J. W. StockÂton, in GarÂlands of Praise, edÂitÂed by Asa Hull (PhiÂlaÂdelÂphia, PennÂsylÂvanÂia: Asa Hull, 1876), page 26 (🔊
If you know StockÂton’s full name, or where to get a good phoÂto of him (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
A ship in wind and storm was tossed,
The sea ran o’er the deck;
It seemed that all was sureÂly lost,
The vesÂsel soon a wreck;
A boy stood calm, as he was asked
If fear he did not feel;
When straightÂway came the anÂswer bold,
My FaÂther’s at the wheel.
Father is at the wheel,
Father is at the wheel;
I fear no storm or temÂpest wave,
While FaÂther’s at the wheel.
And as we pass through life, we meet
Sad sorÂrow’s gloomy hour;
Faith gives us strength to rise above
The threatÂening clouds that lowÂer;
And when our bark seems alÂmost lost,
These words our woes can heal:
Our ship is safe, though temÂpest tossed,
While Father’s at the wheel.
There was a time when anÂgry waves
Dashed fierceÂly o’er my bark;
I cried for help to Him who saves,
Throughout the night so dark;
But now when clouds and gales arise,
And heaÂvy thunÂders peal—
A calm perÂvades my trustÂing heart,
While FaÂther’s at the wheel.