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Scripture Verse

Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3


Words: Anne Steele, Po­ems on Sub­jects Chief­ly De­vo­tion­al 1760.

Music: Tal­lis’ Or­di­nal Tho­mas Tall­is, cir­ca 1567 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Thomas Tallis (1505–1585)


Father of mer­cies, in Thy Word
What end­less glo­ry shines;
Forever be Thy name adored
For these ce­les­ti­al lines.

Here, mines of heav’n­ly wealth dis­close
Their bright, un­bound­ed store;
The glit­ter­ing gem no long­er glows,
And In­dia boasts no more.

Here may the wretch­ed sons of want
Exhaustless rich­es find;
Riches, above what earth can grant,
And last­ing as the mind.

Here the fair tree of know­ledge grows
And yields a free re­past;
Sublimer fruits than na­ture knows,
Invite the long­ing taste.

Here may the blind and hun­gry come,
And light, and food re­ceive;
Here, shall the mean­est guest have room,
And taste, and see, and live.

Amidst these gloomy wilds be­low,
When dark and sad we stray;
Here, beams of Heav­en re­lieve our woe,
And guide to end­less day.

Here springs of con­so­la­tion rise
To cheer the faint­ing mind;
And thirs­ty souls re­ceive sup­plies,
And sweet re­fresh­ment find.

When guilt and ter­ror, pain and grief,
United rend the heart,
Here, sin­ners meet di­vine re­lief,
And cool the rag­ing smart.

Here the Re­deem­er’s wel­come voice
Spreads heav’n­ly peace around
And life, and ev­er­last­ing joys
Attend the bliss­ful sound.

But when his pain­ful suf­fer­ings rise,
(Delightful, dread­ful scene!)
Angels may read with won­der­ing eyes
That Je­sus died for men.

Oh, may these heav’nly pag­es be
My ev­er dear de­light
And still new beau­ties may I see,
And still in­creas­ing light.

Divine In­struct­or, gra­cious Lord,
Be Thou for­ev­er near,
Teach me to love Thy sac­red Word,
And view my Sav­ior there.