Scripture Verse

Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Matthew 6:9


Words: Charles G. Ames (1828–1912).

Music: South­amp­ton Ano­ny­mous, 1870 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when the words were writ­ten,

Charles G. Ames (1828–1912)


Father in Hea­ven, hear us to­day;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
O let Thy king­dom come, O let Thy will be done,
By all be­neath the sun, as in the skies.

Father in Hea­ven, hear us today;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
Giver of dai­ly food, Fount­ain of truth and good,
Be all our hearts im­bued with love like Thine.

Father in Heav-en, hear us to-day;
Hallowed Thy name be; hear us, we pray!
Lead us in paths of light, save us from sin and blight,
King of all love and might, glo-ri-ous for aye.