Scripture Verse

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Ecclesiastes 12:1


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1883.

Music: Fá­ti­ma Phoe­be P. Knapp (🔊 pdf nwc).


We praise our Cre­at­or for mo­ments so bright,
We hail their re­turn­ing, we ha­llow their light;
And now with the stand­ard of Je­sus un­furled,
Thro’ grace we are rea­dy to con­quer the world.


The whole for Je­sus our watch­word shall be,
An army with ban­ners His sol­diers are we;
Now march­ing with mu­sic,
With sun­shine and flow­ers,
On! on! to the con­quest that soon will be ours.

How free­ly the sum­mer her tri­bute has brought,
She gave us the ros­es and li­lies we sought;
Thus free­ly to Je­sus our tal­ents we give,
For Him we will la­bor as long as we live.


We praise our cre­at­or for blos­soms that grow
By fount­ains of know­ledge
Whose streams ev­er flow;
Love’s bloss­oms that fade not
And these we would bring
To Je­sus, our Sav­ior, Re­dee­mer, and king.


Dear Sav­ior, go with us wher­ev­er we go,
Thy truth in its gran­deur O help us to show;
And when we have con­quered
Thro’ faith and Thy love,
Receive us, we pray Thee, to man­sions above.

