Consider the lilies of the field…even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6:28–29
Words: Author unknown, 13th Century. Appeared in the Swedish Piae Cantiones, 1582. Translated from Latin to English in The Oxford Book of Carols, 1928. Piae Cantiones was compiled and edited by Jaakko Suomalainen, a Protestant, and published in Finland by Theodoric Petri, a Catholic. This type of interdenominational cooperation was all too rare in those days of violent sectarian strife.
Music: Tempus Adest Floridum (🔊
If you know the author or translator, or where to get good pictures of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Spring has now unwrapped the flowers,
Day is fast reviving,
Life in all her growing powers
Towards the light is striving:
Gone the iron touch of cold,
Winter time and frost time,
Seedlings, working through the mould,
Now make up for lost time.
Herb and plant that, winter long,
Slumbered at their leisure,
Now bestirring, green and strong,
Find in growth their pleasure;
All the world with beauty fills,
Gold the green enhancing,
Flowers make glee among the hills,
Set the meadows dancing.
Through each wonder of fair days
God Himself expresses;
Beauty follows all His ways,
As the world He blesses:
So, as He renews the earth,
Artist without rival,
In His grace of glad new birth
We must seek revival.
Earth puts on her dress of glee;
Flowers and grasses hide her;
We go forth in charity—
Brothers all beside her;
For, as man this glory sees
In th’awakening season,
Reason learns the heart’s decrees,
Hearts are led by reason.
Praise the Maker, all ye saints;
He with glory girt you,
He who skies and meadows paints
Fashioned all your virtue;
Praise Him, seers, heroes, kings,
Heralds of perfection;
Brothers, praise Him, for He brings
All to resurrection!