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Scripture Verse

Consider the lilies of the field…even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:28–29


Words: Au­thor un­known, 13th Cen­tu­ry. Ap­peared in the Swed­ish Pi­ae Can­ti­ones, 1582. Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish in The Ox­ford Book of Car­ols, 1928. Pi­ae Can­ti­on­es was com­piled and ed­it­ed by Jaa­kko Su­oma­lain­en, a Pro­test­ant, and pub­lished in Fin­land by Theo­do­ric Pe­tri, a Ca­tho­lic. This type of in­ter­de­no­mi­na­tion­al co­op­era­tion was all too rare in those days of vio­lent sec­tar­ian strife.

Music: Tem­pus Ad­est Flo­ri­dum (🔊 ).

If you know the au­thor or trans­lat­or, or where to get good pic­tures of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Spring has now un­wrapped the flow­ers,
Day is fast re­viv­ing,
Life in all her grow­ing pow­ers
Towards the light is striv­ing:
Gone the ir­on touch of cold,
Winter time and frost time,
Seedlings, work­ing through the mould,
Now make up for lost time.

Herb and plant that, win­ter long,
Slumbered at their lei­sure,
Now be­stir­ring, green and strong,
Find in growth their plea­sure;
All the world with beau­ty fills,
Gold the green en­hanc­ing,
Flowers make glee among the hills,
Set the mea­dows danc­ing.

Through each won­der of fair days
God Him­self ex­press­es;
Beauty fol­lows all His ways,
As the world He blesses:
So, as He re­news the earth,
Artist with­out ri­val,
In His grace of glad new birth
We must seek re­viv­al.

Earth puts on her dress of glee;
Flowers and grass­es hide her;
We go forth in char­ity—
Brothers all be­side her;
For, as man this glo­ry sees
In th’awak­en­ing sea­son,
Reason learns the heart’s de­crees,
Hearts are led by rea­son.

Praise the Mak­er, all ye saints;
He with glo­ry girt you,
He who skies and mea­dows paints
Fashioned all your vir­tue;
Praise Him, seers, he­roes, kings,
Heralds of per­fect­ion;
Brothers, praise Him, for He brings
All to re­sur­rect­ion!

Forest Scene
Thomas Moran (1837–1926)