Come thou and all thy house into the ark.
Genesis 7:1
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Brightest and Best, by Robert Lowry & Howard Doane (New York & Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1875), page 8.
Music: W. Howard Doane (🔊
O fly to the Ark, poor soul,
No refuge on earth so near;
The billows without may roll,
But God will protect thee here.
Then fly, fly to the Ark of Rest,
There, there shall thy soul be blest;
O haste, or the open door
May close ere the day is o’er.
O fly to the Ark of Grace,
For how canst thou brave the storm
That cometh so wild apace?
’Twill cover thy helpless form.
O fly to the Ark of Love,
The world has no home for thee;
O come like the weary dove,
And sweet shall thy welcome be.
Come into the Ark, come in,
And Jesus, the Lord, will give
A pardon for all thy sin—
Come into the Ark and live.