Scripture Verse

Thou hast with Thine arm redeemed Thy people. Psalm 77:15


Words: Charles S. Horne, 1909.

Music: Ir­ish tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles S. Horne (1865–1914)


For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee,
Our God, our fa­thers’ God;
Thou hast kept Thy pil­grim peo­ple
By the strength of Thy staff and rod;
Thou hast called us to the jour­ney
Which faith­less feet ne’er trod;
For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee:
Our God, our fa­thers’ God.

For the love of Christ con­strain­ing,
That bound their hearts as one;
For the faith in truth and free­dom
In which their work was done;
For the peace of God’s ev­an­gel
Wherewith their feet were shod;
For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee:
Our God, our fa­thers’ God.

We are watch­ers of a bea­con
Whose light must ne­ver die;
We are guard­ians of an al­tar
That shows Thee ev­er nigh;
We are child­ren of Thy free­men
Who sleep be­neath the sod;
For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee:
Our God, our fa­thers’ God.

May the sha­dow of Thy pre­sence
Around our camp be spread;
Baptize us with the cour­age
Thou gav­est to our dead;
O keep us in the path­way
Their saint­ly feet have trod;
For the might of Thine arm we bless Thee,
Our God, our fa­thers’ God.