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Scripture Verse

God Himself is with us for our captain. 2 Chronicles 13:12


Words: Su­san B. Atrice, in Shin­ing Light, ed­it­ed by J. M. Pierce (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: J. M. Pierce, 1906).

Music: J. M. Pierce (🔊 ).

If you know At­rice or Pierce’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Rouse ye now, ye sol­diers
Of the cross, arise;
Laud your cap­tain’s glo­ry
To the ve­ry skies;
Foes are lurk­ing ’round you,
Seek ye not re­pose;
Christ your faith­ful lead­er
To the bat­tle goes.


Forward, sol­diers,
To the bat­tle­field;
Fight for Je­sus
Till the foe shall yield;
For the Spir­it
Gives you strength to­day,
Forward to the bat­tle­field,
Away, then, away.

Up and do­ing, Chris­tians,
’Tis the Lord’s com­mand;
Dare ye long­er idle,
There is work at hand;
Souls are dy­ing ’round you,
For the bless­èd word;
Bear to them the mes­sage
Of your pre­cious Lord.


Thro’ the wea­ry con­flict
Bear the toil and pain,
Suffering here for Je­sus
Is but heav’n­ly gain;
When the strife is end­ed,
When your work’s com­plete,
All these earth­ly tri­als
Make your rest more sweet.
