He died for us so that…we may live together with Him.
1 Thessalonians 5:10
Words: FanÂny CrosÂby, in Church Hymns and GosÂpel Songs SupÂpleÂment, edÂited by Ira D. SanÂkey, James McÂGraÂnaÂhan & George C. StebÂbins (New York: BigÂlow & Main, 1903), numÂber 6.
Music: KiÂliÂmanÂjaÂro I. AllÂan SanÂkey (🔊
O Love divine, amazing Love!
That brought to earth, from Heav’n abÂove,
The Son of God, for us to die,
That we might dwell with Him on high.
He died for you, He died for me,
And shed His blood to make us free;
Upon the cross of CalÂvaÂry,
The SavÂior died for you and me.
For us the crown of thorns He bore
For us the robe of scorn He wore;
He conÂquered death, and rent the grave,
And lives again our souls to save.
O, wanÂd’rer, come, on Him beÂlieve;
His ofÂfered grace by faith reÂceive;
Awake, arise, and hear Him call;
The feast is spread, there’s room for all.