Scripture Verse

Come over…and help us. Acts 16:9


Words: Mar­tin M. Knapp, Bi­ble Songs of Sal­va­tion and Vic­to­ry (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, 1902), num­ber 126.

Music: San­ti­ago Ro­bert B. Finch, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Finch (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Martin W. Knapp (1853–1901)

A young Jew­ess had been con­vert­ed in London through her Ger­man gov­ern­ess. She had been for­bid­den to read the New Tes­ta­ment by her par­ents, who were ar­dent Jews; but while read­ing Isaiah 53 she found the Mes­si­ah, and was soon ex­pelled from her home.

She then went to Ger­ma­ny, and her­self acted as gov­ern­ess for sev­er­al years. When she heard of Mr. Moo­dy’s work at North­field [Mas­sa­chu­setts], she de­cid­ed to go there.

Having been en­ter­tained in Lon­don for a few weeks by Mr. Den­ny, a pro­mi­nent lay­man, this gen­tle­man asked me one day in Lon­don, as I was about to sail for Am­eri­ca, if I would see her safe­ly across the ocean, which I pro­mised to do.

In Louis­ville she first saw Mr. Moody. On leav­ing Lou­is­ville she went to New York and ap­plied to the Pres­by­ter­ian Board of For­eign Mis­sions for ap­point­ment as a for­eign mis­sion­ary. There be­ing some de­lay in ac­cept­ing her ap­pl­ic­ation, she de­cid­ed to go with the Rev. Hud­son Taylor, whom she had met at North­field.

On ar­riv­ing in Chi­na she adopt­ed the garb of the Chi­nese wo­men, and be­came a faith­ful and use­ful work­er. Af­ter two years she was mar­ried to a mis­sion­ary from Scot­land. They are still en­gaged in mis­sion­ary work in North­ern Ch­ina.

Sankey, pp. 339–40


From China’s dark dominions
Unto Columbia free,
We’ve heard the cries of anguish
Which echo o’er the sea.
We’ve heard the royal summons
Of Je­sus cru­ci­fied,
To hasten to the rescue
Of those for whom He died.


We’re coming, yes, we’re coming
On wings of love we fly,
To bear the Gos­pel message
Ere waiting millions die.

Our hearts with pain are bleeding
That we have been so slow,
To heed these pleading voices
And on our mission go.
Forgive us! oh, forgive us!
Ye nations far away,
Forgive us, gracious Fa­ther!
In Je­sus’ name we pray.


With songs and joy of gladness
Our offerings we give,
That all the heathen nations
May look to Christ and live.
Though deep the pain in parting,
Our children, too, may go,
And tell the thirsting millions
Where living waters flow.


Then heathen nations bending
At Je­sus’ feet shall fall,
And join with saints and angels,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Till over earth triumphant
His ransomed Church shall reign,
When Je­sus in His glo­ry
With joy shall come again.
