Scripture Verse

They came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives. Mark 11:1


Marion F. Ham (1867–1956)

Words: Ma­ri­on F. Ham (1867–1956).

Music: Day of Rest James W. El­li­ott, in Church Hymns, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Hans L. Hass­ler, 1601d">If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, or where to get a good pho­to of El­li­ott (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


From Bethany, the Mas­ter
Comes down Mt. Ol­ive’s slope,
And all the world is sing­ing,
A glad new song of hope;
Cry out, O state­ly ce­dars,
Along the rug­ged way!
Ye vine­yards, shout ho­san­na,
To greet this hap­py day!

The King of Love, in tri­umph
Rides through the ci­ty’s gate;
Rejected, scorned—yet Vic­tor,
The Con­quer­or of hate;
O wave your green palm branch­es!
Exalt His match­less worth!
This King of Love shall con­quer
The na­tions of the earth.

Not of this world His kin­gdom;
His pow­er is from above;
His realm is of the spir­it,
His scep­ter—Truth and Love;
He calls us to His ser­vice,
His ban­ner is un­furled;
With Thee we march, O Mas­ter,
To ov­er­come the world.

Home of Bethany
Herbert G. Schmalz (1856–1935)