Scripture Verse

We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18


Berthold Tours (1838–1897)

Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, 1873, alt. Ha­ver­gal wrote these words De­cem­ber 23, 1873 at Win­ter­dyne.

Music: Tours Ber­thold Tours, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Frances R. Havergal


From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
Be this our joy­ous song,
As on the King’s own high­way
We brave­ly march along!
From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
O word of stir­ring cheer,
As dawns the so­lemn bright­ness
Of one more glad new year.

Our own be­lov­èd Mas­ter
Hath many things to say.

Look for­ward to His teach­ing,
Unfolding day by day;
To whis­pers of His Spir­it,
To in­sight clear and sweet,
To bless­èd con­so­la­tion,
While rest­ing at His feet.

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
Our faith hath seen the King.
We own His match­less beau­ty,
Adoringly we sing;
But He hath more to show us!
O thought of un­told bliss!
And on we press re­joic­ing
In bless­èd hope to this:

To mar­vel­ous out­pour­ings
Of trea­sures new and old,
To larg­ess of His boun­ty,
Paid in the King’s own gold,
To glo­ri­ous ex­pan­sion
Of mys­te­ries of grace,
To ra­di­ant unveilings
Of bright­ness from His face.

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
What great things He hath done,
What won­ders He hath shown us,
What tri­umphs He hath won!
We mar­vel at the re­cord
Of bless­ings of the year!
But sweet­er still than Christ­mas
Rings out His pro­mise clear—

That great­er things, far great­er,
Our long­ing eyes shall see!
We can but wait and won­der
What great­er things shall be!
But glo­ri­ous ful­fill­ments
Rejoicingly we claim,
While plead­ing in the pow­er
Of His pre­vail­ing name.

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
What migh­ty bless­ings crown
The lives for which our Lord hath laid
His own so free­ly down!
Omnipotence to keep us,
Omniscience, too, to guide,
Jehovah’s bless­èd pre­sence
Within us to abide!

The full­ness of His bless­ing
Encompasseth our way;
The full­ness of His pro­mise
Crowns ev­ery bright­en­ing day;
The full­ness of His glo­ry
Is beam­ing from ab­ove,
While more and more we real­ize
The full­ness of His love.

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
Without a shade of care,
Because the Lord who loves us
Will ev­ery bur­den bear;
Because we trust Him ful­ly,
And know that He will guide,
And know that He will keep us
At His be­lov­èd side.

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
Though tri­bu­la­tion fall,
It can­not touch our trea­sure,
When Christ is All in All!
Whatever lies be­fore us,
There can be naught to fear,
For what are pain and sor­row
When Je­sus Christ is near?

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
O mar­vels of the Word!
With op­en face be­hold­ing
The glo­ry of the Lord,

We, ev­en we (O won­der!)
Are changed in­to the same,

The im­age of our Sav­ior,
To glo­ri­fy His name.

Abiding in His pre­sence,
And walk­ing in the light,
And seek­ing to do al­ways
What is pleas­ing in His sight;
We look to Him to keep us
All glo­ri­ous with­in,

Because the blood of Je­sus
Is cleans­ing from all sin.

The things be­hind for­get­ting,
We on­ly gaze be­fore
From glo­ry un­to glo­ry,
That shin­eth more and more,
Because our Lord hath said it,
That such shall be our way,
(O splen­dor of the pro­mise!)
Unto the per­fect day.

From glo­ry un­to glo­ry!
Our fel­low tra­vel­ers still
Are ga­ther­ing on the jour­ney!
The bright elec­tric thrill
Of quick, in­stinct­ive un­ion,
More fre­quent and more sweet,
Shall swift­ly pass from heart to heart
In true and ten­der beat.

And clos­er yet, and clos­er,
The gold­en bonds shall be,
Enlinking all who love our
Lord in pure sin­ce­ri­ty;
And wid­er yet, and wid­er,
Shall circ­ling glo­ry glow,
As more and more are taught our
God’s migh­ty love to know.

O ye who seek the Sav­ior,
Look up in faith and love;
Come up in­to the sun­shine,
So bright and warm ab­ove!
No long­er tread the val­ley,
But, cling­ing to His hand,
Ascend the shin­ing sum­mits
And view the glo­ri­ous land.

Our harp notes should be sweet­er,
Our trum­pet tones more clear,
Our an­thems ring so grand­ly
That all the world must hear!
O roy­al be our mu­sic,
For who hath cause to sing
Like chor­us­es of saved ones,
The child­ren of the King?

O, let our ado­ra­tion
For all that He hath done
Peal out be­yond the hea­vens,
While voice and life are one;
And let our con­se­cra­tion
Be real, and deep, and true.
O ev­en now our hearts bow,
And joy­ful vows re­new!

In full and glad sur­rend­er
We give our­selves to Thee,
Thine ut­ter­ly, and on­ly,
And ev­er­more to be!
O Son of God, who lov’st us,
We will be Thine alone,
Our be­ing and pos­sess­ions,
Shall hence­forth be Thine own!

Now on­ward, ev­er on­ward,
From strength to strength we go,
While grace for grace abun­dant
Shall from His full­ness flow,
To glo­ry’s full fru­ition,
From glo­ry’s fore­taste here,
Until His ve­ry pre­sence
Crown hap­pi­est new year.