Give us this day our daily bread.
Matthew 6:11
Words: John Needham, Hymns Devotional and Moral on Various Subjects (Bristol, England: S. Farley, 1768), number 43.
Music: Abiding Grace John S. Camp, 1905 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Needham (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
From Thee, my God, all blessings spring,
To Thee my life I owe;
My lungs by Thee were bid to heave,
My feet were taught to go.
Thy wool me clothes, Thy bread I eat,
Thy streams my thirst allay:
Each night Thou spread’st a tent around,
Kind guardian through the day.
A friend, that medicine sweet of life,
To Thee, my God, I owe:
Health, credit, liberty, and peace
All from Thy bounty flow.
Author of good! I praise Thy name,
On Thee I still depend:
Give me this day my daily bread,
All needful blessings send.
If more Thou giv’st, I thank Thee, Lord;
If less, still kind Thou art:
Content with this, may I secure
That sure and better part.
Next to Thy right may I have claim
To all that I call mine;
My honest labors prosper, Lord,
Thus give me that is Thine.
All anxious cares that wound my peace,
Lord, banish from my breast;
The future I would leave with Thee,
For Thou wilt do the best.