Scripture Verse

That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us. John 17:21


Thomas Baldwin

Words: Tho­mas Bald­win, in A Col­lect­ion of Hymns, Se­lect­ed from Sun­dry Po­ets, ed­it­ed by Ed­ward Clark Saun­ders (Wind­ham, Con­nec­ti­cut: John Byrne, 1791).

Music: Un­ion (Bill­ings) Will­iam Bill­ings, 1788 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Billings (1746–1800)


From whence doth this un­ion arise,
That hat­red is con­quered by love?
It fast­ens our souls with such ties,
That dist­ance and time can’t re­move.

It can­not in Ed­en be found,
Nor yet in pa­ra­dise lost;
It grows on Im­man­uel’s ground,
And Je­sus’ dear blood it did cost.

My friends now so dear un­to me,
Our souls are unit­ed in love:
Where Je­sus is gone we shall be,
In yon­der blest man­sions ab­ove.

Then why so un­will­ing to part,
Since there we shall meet again?
Engraved on Im­man­uel’s heart,
At dist­ance we can­not remain.

With Je­sus we ev­er shall reign,
And all His bright glo­ry shall see,
And sing hal­l­elu­jah, Amen,
Amen, ev­en so let it be!