That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us.
John 17:21
Words: Thomas Baldwin, in A Collection of Hymns, Selected from Sundry Poets, edited by Edward Clark Saunders (Windham, Connecticut: John Byrne, 1791).
Music: Union (Billings) William Billings, 1788 (🔊
From whence doth this union arise,
That hatred is conquered by love?
It fastens our souls with such ties,
That distance and time can’t remove.
It cannot in Eden be found,
Nor yet in paradise lost;
It grows on Immanuel’s ground,
And Jesus’ dear blood it did cost.
My friends now so dear unto me,
Our souls are united in love:
Where Jesus is gone we shall be,
In yonder blest mansions above.
Then why so unwilling to part,
Since there we shall meet again?
Engraved on Immanuel’s heart,
At distance we cannot remain.
With Jesus we ever shall reign,
And all His bright glory shall see,
And sing hallelujah, Amen,
Amen, even so let it be!