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Scripture Verse

A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14


Words: Fran­cis Kin­wel­mersh, The Pa­ra­dise of Dayn­tie Devis­es, 1576.

Music: Song 24 (Gib­bons) Or­lan­do Gib­bons, 1623 (🔊 ).

Orlando Gibbons


From vir­gin’s womb this Christ­mas day did spring
The pre­cious seed that only sav­èd man;
This day let man re­joice and sweet­ly sing,
Since on this day sal­va­tion first be­gan.
This day did Christ man’s soul from death re­move,
With glo­ri­ous saints to dwell in Heav’n ab­ove.

This day to man came pledge of per­fect peace;
This day to man came love and un­ity;
This day man’s grief be­gan for to sur­cease;
This day did man re­ceive a re­me­dy
For each of­fense and ev­ery dead­ly sin,
With guil­ty heart that erst he wan­dered in.

Now in Christ’s flock let love be sure­ly placed;
Now from Christ’s flock let con­cord hate ex­pel;
Now of Christ’s flock let love so be em­braced,
As we in Christ, and Christ in us may dwell.
Christ is the au­thor of all uni­ty,
From whence pro­ceed­eth all fe­li­ci­ty.

O sing unto this glit­ter­ing, glo­ri­ous King;
O praise His name let every liv­ing thing;
Let heart and voice like bells of sil­ver ring,
The com­fort that this Christ­mas day did bring;
Let lute, let shalm, with sound of sweet de­light,
The joy of Christ’s birth on this day re­cite.