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Francis Kinwelmersh

?–circa 1580

Francis Kindlemarsh, Francis Kynwelmersh, Francis Kindlemarsh


Poet, be­longed to an Es­sex fa­mi­ly, whose name is spelt in a va­ri­ety of ways. Thomas Kin­wol­mersh of Much Dun­mow, Es­sex, served in he war in France in 1513…Ri­chard Kin­wel­mersh held in 1562 the ma­nor of New­ton Hall, now Great Dun­mow…but he does not ap­pear to have a son named Fran­cis…

The po­et en­tered Gray’s Inn in 1557. Two stu­dents of the same sur­name, An­tho­ny and Ro­bert, were ad­mit­ted to the same inn in 1561 and 1563 re­spec­tive­ly, and were prob­ab­ly Fran­cis’ bro­thers…

Francis be­came in­ti­mate with the po­et, George Gas­coigne, who was his fel­low-student at Gray’s Inn, and in 1566 they pro­duced con­jointl­y a blank-verse ren­der­ing of Eu­ri­pi­des’ ‘Phœ­nis­sæ,’ which they en­ti­tled ‘Jo­cas­ta.’ It was per­formed in the hall of their inn in the course of 1566, and was first pub­lished in Gas­coigne’s ‘Hun­dredth Sun­drie Flowres’ in 1572. Kin­wel­mersh was re­spon­si­ble for acts i. and iv.

Gascoigne wrote po­ems up­on mot­tos sug­gested by Fran­cis and his bro­ther An­tho­ny about 1566…

Francis was a con­tri­but­or to the ‘Pa­ra­dyse of Dayn­ty De­vis­es,’ 1576, and his ini­tials, ‘F.K.,’ ap­pear on the ti­tle-page in he list of ‘sundry learned gen­tle­men’ whose poe­ms are in­clud­ed. In the ti­tle-pag­es of the edi­tions of 1580 and 1600 the ini­tials are ex­pand­ed in­to ‘F. Kin­dle­marsh.’

Seven po­ems, chief­ly on re­li­gious to­pics, bear the sig­na­ture ‘F.K.’ in the first edi­tion, and six in that of 1600.

Dictionary of Na­tion­al Bio­gra­phy, 1909, p. 193




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