Scripture Verse

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31


William F. Sherwin

Words: Jo­na­than B. At­chin­son, 1875.

Music: Bleeck­er Street Will­iam F. Sher­win (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of At­chin­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Fully per­suad­ed, Lord, I be­lieve!
Fully per­suad­ed, Thy Spir­it give;
I will ob­ey Thy call; low at Thy feet I fall;
Now I sur­ren­der all, Christ to re­ceive.

Fully per­suad­ed—Lord, hear my cry!
Fully per­suad­ed—pass me not by;
Just as I am I come, I will no long­er roam,
O make my heart Thy home; save, or I die!

Fully per­suad­ed, no more op­pressed,
Fully per­suad­ed, now I am blest;
Jesus is now my guide, I will in Christ ab­ide,
My soul is sa­tis­fied in Him to rest!

Fully per­suad­ed, Je­sus is mine;
Fully per­suad­ed, Lord I am Thine!
O make my love to Thee like Thine own love to me,
So rich, so full and free, Sav­ior di­vine!