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Scripture Verse

He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him. Psalm 126:6


Words: Nim J. Orr, 1906. This might be the au­thor whose name is giv­en elsewhere as Ni­na J. Orr.

Music: J. M. Pierce (🔊 ). Note: Re­peat the last four lines of each stan­za af­ter the re­frain.

If you know Pierce’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Orr, would you send us an e-mail?


While the dews of morn­ing,
Verdant fields adorn­ing,
E’er the glo­ri­ous sun­light,
Dries the dewy leaves;
Thus with hearts of glad­ness,
Leaving care and sad­ness,
Hasten now the reap­ers
Gathering in the sheaves.


Gathering in the sheaves,
Gathering in the sheaves,
See the busy reap­ers
Gathering in the sheaves.

While the day is go­ing,
Love for God is flow­ing,
Like the sum­mer love­ly,
Grandest beau­ty weaves;
Songs of praise re­sound­ing,
Busy work­ers bound­ing,
Hastening in the har­vest,
Gathering in the sheaves.


If the day is drea­ry,
And the feet grow wea­ry
Then the ear­nest la­bor­ers,
Greatest joy re­ceive;
He that sows in sor­row,
Joyful reaps to­mor­row,
With the ho­ly an­gels
Gathering in the sheaves.
