…for ye know not when the master…cometh.
Mark 13:35
Words: John Baughman, in Carol Crown, by James D. Vaughan et al. (Lawrenceburg, Tennessee: James D. Vaughan, 1915), number 86.
Music: Saltillo John Baughman, 1915 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Baughman (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
If you’re going up to Heaven,
You had better now be ready,
For the day will soon be over
When your pilgrimage will cease;
Soon the saved will meet together
In that home beyond the river,
Where the tree of life is blooming
In that land of endless peace.
For the day will soon be ending,
And the Judge will be descending;
Will you be among the weeping
And the wailing of the lost?
Or will you fly to Heaven
On the wings that He hath given,
And up there to live forever
In that land of endless peace?
O that home is pure and holy,
Nothing sinful e’er shall enter,
And the path that leads to glory
Enters thro’ the gates of pearl;
Many friends have gone before us
Who are joining in the chorus,
Glory, glory be to Jesus,
He has overcome the world.
I can hear the pilgrims cheering
As the harbor they are nearing,
From the dear old ship of Zion
As she nears the golden shore;
Hark! I hear a voice of welcome
Come, ye blessèd of My Father;
Enter into life eternal
Which is yours forevermore.