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Scripture Verse

…for ye know not when the master…cometh. Mark 13:35


Words: John Baugh­man, in Car­ol Crown, by James D. Vaugh­an et al. (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1915), num­ber 86.

Music: Sal­til­lo John Baugh­man, 1915 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Baugh­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


If you’re go­ing up to Heav­en,
You had better now be rea­dy,
For the day will soon be ov­er
When your pil­grim­age will cease;
Soon the saved will meet to­ge­ther
In that home be­yond the riv­er,
Where the tree of life is bloom­ing
In that land of end­less peace.


For the day will soon be end­ing,
And the Judge will be des­cend­ing;
Will you be among the weep­ing
And the wail­ing of the lost?
Or will you fly to Heav­en
On the wings that He hath giv­en,
And up there to live for­ev­er
In that land of end­less peace?

O that home is pure and ho­ly,
Nothing sin­ful e’er shall en­ter,
And the path that leads to glo­ry
Enters thro’ the gates of pearl;
Many friends have gone be­fore us
Who are join­ing in the chor­us,
Glory, glo­ry be to Je­sus,
He has ov­er­come the world.


I can hear the pil­grims cheer­ing
As the har­bor they are near­ing,
From the dear old ship of Zi­on
As she nears the gold­en shore;
Hark! I hear a voice of wel­come
Come, ye bless­èd of My Fa­ther;
Enter in­to life eter­nal
Which is yours for­ev­er­more.
