Scripture Verse

His banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4


Henry T. Smart (1813–1879)

Words: Law­rence Tut­ti­ett, 1861.

Music: Lan­ca­shire Hen­ry T. Smart, 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Tut­ti­ett,

Lawrence Tuttiett (1825–1897)


Go for­ward, Chris­tian sol­dier,
Beneath His ban­ner true:
The Lord Him­self, thy lead­er,
Shall all thy foes sub­due.
His love fore­tells thy tri­als;
He knows thine hour­ly need;
He can with bread of Hea­ven
Thy faint­ing spir­it feed.

Go forward, Chris­tian soldier,
Fear not the sec­ret foe;
Far more o’er thee are watch­ing
Than hu­man eyes can know:
Trust on­ly Christ, thy cap­tain;
Cease not to watch and pray;
Heed not the trea­cher­ous voic­es
That lure thy soul as­tray.

Go for­ward, Chris­tian sol­dier,
Nor dream of peace­ful rest,
Till Sa­tan’s host is van­quished
And Heav’n is all pos­sessed;
Till Christ Him­self shall call thee
To lay thine ar­mor by,
And wear in end­less glo­ry
The crown of vic­to­ry.

Go forward, Chris­tian sol­dier,
Fear not the gath’ring night:
The Lord has been thy shel­ter;
The Lord will be thy light.
When morn His face re­veal­eth,
Thy dan­gers are all past:
O pray that faith and vir­tue
May keep thee to the last!