

Baptized: Oc­to­ber 31, 1825, Col­y­ton, De­von­shire, Eng­land.

Died: May 21, 1897.

Buried: Saint An­drews East­ern Ce­me­te­ry, The Pends, Fife, Scot­land.



The fol­low­ing text was adapt­ed from a talk given by Gar­eth J. Tut­tiett to the Som­ers­et & Dor­set Fa­mi­ly His­to­ry So­ci­ety, at Street Lib­ra­ry, So­mer­set, Unit­ed King­dom, in 1991.

William [Tut­tiett]’s young­est son, Law­rence (some­times spelt Laur­ence, but in the Par­ish R­egis­ter, it is de­fi­nite­ly Law­rence) was born in Col­y­ton, De­von, and bap­tised on 31 October 1825.

He, like his two bro­thers, Frank and Hen­ry, was edu­cat­ed at Christ’s Hos­pi­tal and at King’s Col­lege, Lon­don, where he came un­der the in­flu­ence of Mau­rice and Kings­ley.

He in­tend­ed to de­vote him­self to the stu­dy me­di­cine but was called to Ho­ly Ord­ers in 1848. By 1849, he had be­come a priest, and the fol­low­ing year be­came cur­ate at St. Paul’s, Wil­ton Place, Knights­bridge, Lon­don. Then in 1850, he be­came cu­rate of St. Tho­mas’ and lat­er Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty in Ryde, on the Isle of Wight. He was off again, in 1853 to be­come cu­rate at Long­ton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staf­ford­shire.

The Re­ver­end Law­rence was in­sti­tut­ed as cur­ate at Lea Mars­ton, War­wick­shire, in 1854, and from Sep­tem­ber 1868 un­til towards the end of 1869 he was vi­car. The an­nu­al ves­try meet­ings show that he re­gu­lar­ly took the chair.

In 1854, Law­rence mar­ried Hel­en Car­ne­gy, and they lived at Mars­ton par­son­age. Hel­en Hunt­er, their daugh­ter, was christ­ened on the 14th Oc­to­ber, 1855 and Law­rence, as cu­rate, per­formed the ce­re­mo­ny him­self.

He was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Par­ent So­ci­ety, and in 1859, he vis­it­ed Swan­sea for the meet­ing of the Na­tion­al Edu­ca­tion So­ci­ety of Swan­sea. The Cam­bri­an, of 9th Sep­tem­ber, 1859, has a par­a­graph in which Law­rence speaks in sup­port of the re­so­lu­tion to give £550 to the Swan­sea Na­tion­al Schools.

I quote, “The Rev. L Tutt­iett, de­pu­ta­tion from the Par­ent So­ci­ety, se­cond­ed the re­so­lu­tion, and in do­ing so re­ferred to the ne­ces­si­ty which still ex­ist­ed for the es­tab­lish­ment of schools in rur­al and ag­ri­cul­tur­al dis­tricts. He al­so con­tend­ed that one of the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of the Na­tion­al So­ci­ety was, that the church ca­te­chism should be taught in ev­ery school where as­sist­ance was grant­ed.

This, he main­tained, as a mem­ber of the es­tab­lished church, was ne­ces­sa­ry, and could not be aban­doned with­out im­pair­ing the ef­fi­ci­en­cy of the whole sys­tem of the edu­ca­tion now taught in these schools.”

He served as rec­tor at the Scot­tish Epis­co­pal Church of St. An­drew, Queen’s Gardens, St. An­drews, Fife (1870–93). In 1877 he was no­mi­nat­ed as ca­non of St. Nin­i­an’s Ca­thed­ral, Perth­shire, which post he held un­til his death on 21 June 1897 at his re­si­dence at 3 Abbots­ford Cres­cent, St. An­drew’s.

According to the Death Roll for Law­rence, which ap­peared in the Dai­ly Chro­ni­cle, 24th May, 1897, “At St. An­drews, which is crowd­ed in the golf­ing sea­son with Eng­lish vi­si­tors, he a­ttract­ed to his beau­ti­ful church ma­ny dis­ting­uished men, and was par­ti­cu­lar­ly a friend of the late Prince Le­o­pold.

To the stu­dents at St. Ma­ry’s Col­lege, in the uni­ver­si­ty, he was ev­er kind, help­ful, and con­sid­er­ate, and was wont to de­light them with re­mi­nis­cenc­es of his own la­bor­i­ous days at King’s Col­lege, Lon­don.

Tuttiett wrote ma­ny po­ems, de­vo­tion­al and theo­lo­gic­al books, but is bet­ter known for his hymns, the most well known be­ing, Father let me de­di­cate.

John Ju­li­an, in his work Dic­tion­ary of Hym­no­lo­gy, states, Mr. Tut­ti­ett’s hymns are char­ac­ter­ised by smooth­ness of rhythm, di­rect­ion of aim, sim­pli­ci­ty of lang­uage, and deep ear­nest­ness. Those for sp­ecial ser­vic­es and sea­sons are of great mer­it.


