Scripture Verse

O send out Thy light and Thy truth: let them lead me. Psalm 43:3


John Goss (1800–1880)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Law­rence Tut­ti­ett, Hymns for the Child­ren of the Church 1880.

Music: Roth­ley John Goss, in The Hym­na­ry, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lawrence Tuttiett (1825–1897)


Give light, O Lord, that we may learn
The way that leads to Thee,
That where our hearts true joy dis­cern,
Our life may be.

Give light, O Lord, that we may know
Thy one un­chang­ing truth,
And fol­low, all our days be­low,
Our guide in youth.

Give light, O Lord, that we may see
Where wis­dom bids be­ware,
And turn our doubt­ing minds to Thee,
In faith­ful pray­er.

Give light, O Lord, that we may look
Beneath, around, above,
And learn from na­ture’s liv­ing book
Thy pow­er and love.

Give light, O Lord, that we may read
All signs that Thou art near,
And, while we live, in word and deed
Thy name re­vere.

Give light, O Lord, that we may trace
In tri­al, pain, and loss
In poor­est lot, and low­est place,
A Sav­ior’s cross.

Give light, O Lord, that we may see
A home be­yond the sky,
Where all who live in Christ with Thee
Shall ne­ver die.