Scripture Verse

Give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. God’s won­ders of cre­ation, pro­vi­dence, re­demp­tion of Is­ra­el and sal­va­tion of His peo­ple.

Music: Ger­ald Lud­wig Spohr, Das Hei­land’s Letz­te Stun­de 1834 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ludwig Spohr (1784–1859)


Give thanks to God the so­ver­eign Lord,
His mer­cies still en­dure;
And be the King of kings ad­ored:
His truth is ev­er sure.

What won­ders hath His wis­dom done!
How migh­ty is His hand!
Heav’n, earth, and sea, He framed alone:
How wide is His com­mand!

The sun sup­plies the day with light;
How bright His coun­sels shine!
The moon and stars ad­orn the night;
His works are all di­vine.

He struck the sons of Egypt dead;
How dread­ful is His rod!
And thence with joy His peo­ple led;
How gra­cious is our God!

He cleft the swell­ing sea in two;
His arm is great in might;
And gave the tribes a pas­sage through;
His power and grace unite.

But Pha­raoh’s ar­my there He drowned;
How glo­ri­ous are His ways!
And brought His saints thro’ de­sert ground;
Eternal be His praise!

Great mon­archs fell be­neath His hand;
Victorious is His sword.
While Is­ra­el took the pro­mised land:
And faith­ful is His word.

He saw the na­tions dead in sin;
He felt His pi­ty move;
How sad the state the world was in!
How bound­less was His love!

He sent to save us from our woe;
His good­ness nev­er fails;
From death, and hell, and ev­ery foe;
And still His grace pre­vails.

Give thanks to God the heav­en­ly King;
His mer­cies still en­dure.
Let the whole earth His prais­es sing;
His truth is ev­er sure.