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Scripture Verse

Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people. 1 Chronicles 16:8


Susan Peterson

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1999 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Dia­de­ma­ta George J. El­vey, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1868 (🔊 ).

George Elvey (1816–1893)
National Portrait Gallery



Give thanks to God the Lord;
Upon His name now call.
Make known among the peo­ple on earth
What He has done for all.
Sing praise to Him, now sing;
His won­drous acts pro­claim.
Rejoice, all you who seek the Lord;
Come glo­ry in His name.

Look to the Lord’s great strength;
Remember all His deeds.
His judg­ments are in all the earth;
He is the Lord in­deed.
His co­ve­nant e’er will stand;
His oath He’ll ne’er for­get.
A thou­sand ge­ne­ra­tions pass;
God’s word con­tin­ues yet.

Sing to the Lord, all earth;
His sav­ing pow­er pro­claim.
Declare His glo­ry to ev­ery race;
His mar­vel­ous deeds now name.
For great is God the Lord,
Most wor­thy of all praise.
He made the hea­vens and the earth;
Fear Him and give Him praise.

Splendor and ma­jes­ty
Before the Lord are found.
Both strength and joy with Him do dwell;
Bring of­fer­ings, come bow down.
Ascribe un­to the Lord
The glo­ry due His name;
The splen­dor of His h­oli­ness
Now wor­ship and pro­claim.

Let now the heav’ns re­joice;
Let earth give glad re­frain.
The world is ’stab­lished, ne’er to be moved;
Tell ev­ery­one God reigns!
Now let the sea re­sound,
Be ju­bi­lant, all fields;
The for­est trees will sing for joy;
Earth’s judge is now re­vealed.

Give thanks to God the Lord;
His good­ness now de­clare.
He saves, de­liv­ers from the foe;
His love en­dures for­e’er.
Give thanks un­to His name
And glo­ry in His praise;
Praise to the God of Is­ra­el
For ev­er­last­ing days.