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Scripture Verse

O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719.

Music: Su­ther­land (Brad­bu­ry) Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (1816–1868) (🔊 ).

William Bradbury


Give thanks to God most high,
The uni­vers­al Lord;
The so­ver­eign King of kings;
And be His grace ad­ored.
His pow­er and grace
Are still the same;
And let His name
Have end­less praise.

How migh­ty is His hand!
What won­ders hath He done!
He formed the earth and seas,
And spread the heav’ns alone.
Thy mer­cy, Lord,
Shall still en­dure;
And ev­er sure
Abides Thy Word.

His wis­dom framed the sun
To crown the day with light;
The moon and twink­ling stars
To cheer the dark­some night.
His pow­er and grace
Are still the same;
And let His name
Have end­less praise.

He smote the first-born sons,
The flow­er of Egypt, dead;
And thence His chos­en tribes
With joy and glo­ry led.
Thy mer­cy, Lord,
Shall still en­dure;
And ev­er sure
Abides Thy Word.

His pow­er and lift­ed rod
Cleft the Red Sea in two;
And for His peo­ple made
A won­drous pas­sage through.
His pow­er and grace
Are still the same;
And let His name
Have end­less praise.

But cru­el Pha­raoh there,
With all his host, He drowned;
And brought His Is­ra­el safe
Through a long de­sert ground.
Thy mer­cy, Lord,
Shall still en­dure;
And ev­er sure
Abides Thy Word.

The kings of Ca­naan fell
Beneath His dread­ful hand;
While His own ser­vants took
Possession of their land.
His pow­er and grace
Are still the same;
And let His name
Have end­less praise.

He saw the na­tions lie
All per­ish­ing in sin,
And pi­tied the sad state
The ru­ined world was in.
Thy mer­cy, Lord,
Shall still en­dure;
And ev­er sure
Abides Thy Word.

He sent His on­ly Son
To save us from our woe
From Sa­tan, sin, and death,
And ev­ery hurt­ful foe.
His pow­er and grace
Are still the same;
And let His name
Have end­less praise.

Give thanks aloud to God,
The God the heav­en­ly King;
And let the spa­cious earth
His works and glo­ries sing.
Thy mer­cy, Lord,
Shall still en­dure;
And ev­er sure
Abides Thy Word.