Scripture Verse

Give Me thy heart, and let thine eyes delight in My ways. Proverbs 23:26


Words: Mrs. B. A. Per­ri­go, in Spark­ling Ru­bies, ed­it­ed by Asa Hull & Har­ry San­ders (New York: Hull, 1871), page 76.

Music: Qing­hai Har­ry Sand­ers (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Per­ri­go’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her or Sand­ers (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Give Me thy heart, the sweet words fall
Like whis­pered mu­sic on the ear;
Give Me thy heart, the plead­ing call
Floats like a harp-note soft and clear.
Give Me thy heart, Give Me thy heart.

And when the noon­tide scat­ters ’round,
Its gold­en tints, its rich­est hues,
Then, then is heard the self-same sound,
Give Me thy heart, do not re­fuse.
Give Me thy heart, Give Me thy heart.

O, ’tis the Lord who speaks to thee
So kind­ly. Canst thou from Him stay?
He woos thee yet more ten­der­ly,
Give Me thy heart, with­out delay.

Give God thy heart, be His alone;
Love, work and watch and strive and pray
That when His will in thee is done,
That heart al­rea­dy His, shall say—
Take Thou Thine own, Take Thou Thine own.