Scripture Verse

He is risen. Matthew 28:6


Words: Mat­tie Childs, in Hap­py Greet­ings, by Asa Hull (New York: Asa Hull, 1888), pag­es 166–67.

Music: Asa Hull (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Childs (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Asa Hull (1828–1907)


Welcome, sweet dawning of the morn,
That saw our Sav­ior rise;
Welcome the glo­ri­ous, sacred light,
That burst yon eastern skies.
Serene and calm at early dawn,
While nature breathed repose,
Ere Mary sought that lonely tomb,
Our dear Re­deem­er rose.


He rose, He rose, He rose!
Triumphant over His foes!

We’ll join with angels in their song,
Loud hallelujahs sing;
Come one and all, His praise prolong,
Till Heav’n with echoes ring.
We magnify a ris­en Lord,
Though once for sinners slain;
He bore our sorrows and our cares,
Yet lives in Hea­ven again.


Sing vic­to­ry, vic­to­ry over death,
Our worst and latest foe;
Our loving Sav­ior broke the bars,
That He His power might show.
List! ye redeemed ones, hear the words,
And cease, ye weeping eyes;
First, on the resurrection morn,
The dead in Christ shall rise.
