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Scripture Verse

Watch…for ye know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13


James Thomas (1860–1946)

Words: Frank­lin L. Ei­land, 1906.

Music: James E. Tho­mas (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ei­land or Tho­mas, would you send us an e-mail?

Franklin L. Eiland


Are you at your sta­tion rea­dy,
For the near ap­proach­ing train?
Are you fully con­tem­plat­ing
That a pass you will ob­tain?
Is there some im­port­ant mat­ter,
You have left be­hind un­done,
That will keep you he­si­tat­ing,
Till too late to make the run?


O be rea­dy for the glo­ri­ous Gos­pel train,
Quickly make your pre­pa­ra­tion,
And your pass­port have in hand;
O be rea­dy for the glo­ri­ous Gos­pel train,
It will take you safe­ly ov­er,
To the glo­ry spir­it land.

Has your ti­tle been re­cord­ed,
That no quest­ion can be made?
Does your pre­pa­ra­tion war­rant,
That you shall not be de­layed?
When you see the head­light gleam­ings,
As around the curves they climb,
Have you any fears and doubt­ings,
That you’ll not get in on time?


Are your gar­ments nice­ly fit­ted,
That ac­cept­ed you may be,
As a guest on board for Heav­en,
Trav’ling for eter­ni­ty?
Do you hold the blood­stained ban­ner,
Of Em­ma­nu­el in your hand,
With your claims in­scribed up­on it,
And a ride for Heav’n de­mand?


’Tis the on­ly sig­nal, bro­ther,
That will make your pas­sage sure,
That will stop the migh­ty en­gine,
And a seat to you se­cure;
That will give you close con­nect­ion,
And a nev­er fail­ing hand,
That will take you safe­ly ov­er,
To the glo­ry spir­it land.
