Scripture Verse

They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty. Psalm 145:5


Samuel J. Hedborn

Words: Sam­uel J. Hed­born, in Psalm­er av Hed­born, 1812, 1835 (Hö­ga Ma­jes­tät, vi alla). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Au­gust W. Kjell­strand in The Hym­nal (Au­gus­ta­na Lu­ther­an Sy­nod, 1925).

Music: Wach­et auf Phi­lipp Ni­co­lai, 1599. Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1731 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Philipp Nicolai (1556–1608)


Glorious Ma­jes­ty, be­fore Thee
We bow to wor­ship and ad­ore Thee;
With grate­ful hearts to Thee we sing,
Earth and Hea­ven tell the sto­ry
Of Thine eter­nal might and glo­ry,
And all Thy works their in­cense bring.
Lo, hosts of che­ru­bim and count­less se­ra­phim
Sing ho­san­na, ho­ly is God
Almighty God, all mer­ci­ful and all wise God!

God of light, ex­alt­ed, ho­ly!
Thy ten­der care pro­tects the low­ly,
Nor leaves Thy chil­dren to their fate.
Gracious art Thou, God our Fa­ther,
Thy chos­en people Thou dost ga­ther,
Within Thine arms com­pas­sion­ate,
Thou gav­est us Thy Son,
Through whom Thy grace is won,
And Thy Spir­it dwell­eth with­in
To cleanse from sin
Whom Thine own Son hath died to win.

Bless and keep, O Lord, Thy crea­tures,
Reveal to us Thy gra­cious fea­tures,
O turn to us Thy face with peace
Here our songs we hum­bly ten­der,
Til glo­ri­fied our tongues shall ren­der
To Thee our praise with­out sur­cease,
Where hosts of che­ru­bim
And count­less se­ra­phim
Sing ho­ly is God, al­migh­ty God,
All mer­ci­ful and all wise God!