The whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen.
Luke 19:37
Words: Nils Frykman, 1876 (’Vår store Gud gör stora under). These words, first published in Sanningsvitnet, April 13, 1877, were translated from Swedish to English by Andrew L. Skoog and Andrew T. Frykman, 1920.
Music: Celebration Swedish tune (🔊
One evening in 1876, there was a revival meeting in a farm house. The place was full of people singing, rejoicing, and crying all at the same time. A man who had walked a long way to see what was happening stood at the doorway, and Frykman saw a look of amazement on his face. Inspired by a God who worked wonders to draw that man to the farmhouse, Frykman penned this hymn as one of his friends preached at the meeting.
Our mighty God works mighty wonders—
What joy, to seem them all around!
Men’s idols fall before His thunders,
Their altars crumbling to the ground.
He breaks the fetters, frees the slaves,
His fallen children still He saves.
His mighty Word goes forth to conquer,
Its power destroys the forts of doubt.
The warriors bold yield up their armor
To Him who will not cast them out.
They cleansing find in Jesus’ blood
And laud and magnify our God.
Behold the host of brethren nearing
The gates of Heav’n with mighty tread,
With banners waving, singing, cheering,
They hail in joy their royal Head;
And many more shall own His reign,
His wondrous love the victory gain.
O God, be praised! the day is nearing,
When to our ears a voice shall come,
Look up, the Lord is now appearing,
To gather all His loved ones home!
O blessèd day of jubilee!
For Thee I wait! I wait for Thee!