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Scripture Verse

The whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen. Luke 19:37


Andrew Skoog (1856–1934)

Words: Nils Fryk­man, 1876 (’Vår store Gud gör sto­ra un­der). These words, first pub­lished in San­nings­vit­net, Ap­ril 13, 1877, were trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by An­drew L. Skoog and An­drew T. Fry­kman, 1920.

Music: Ce­le­bra­tion Swed­ish tune (🔊 ).

Nils Frykman (1842–1911)
Courtesy of Covenant
Archives & Historical Library
Chicago, Illinois

One ev­en­ing in 1876, there was a re­viv­al meet­ing in a farm house. The place was full of peo­ple sing­ing, re­joic­ing, and cry­ing all at the same time. A man who had walked a long way to see what was hap­pen­ing stood at the door­way, and Fryk­man saw a look of am­aze­ment on his face. In­spired by a God who worked won­ders to draw that man to the farm­house, Fryk­man penned this hymn as one of his friends preached at the meet­ing.


Our migh­ty God works migh­ty won­ders—
What joy, to seem them all around!
Men’s idols fall be­fore His thun­ders,
Their al­tars crumb­ling to the ground.
He breaks the fet­ters, frees the slaves,
His fall­en child­ren still He saves.

His migh­ty Word goes forth to con­quer,
Its pow­er des­troys the forts of doubt.
The war­ri­ors bold yield up their ar­mor
To Him who will not cast them out.
They cleans­ing find in Je­sus’ blood
And laud and mag­ni­fy our God.

Behold the host of breth­ren near­ing
The gates of Heav’n with migh­ty tread,
With ban­ners wav­ing, sing­ing, cheer­ing,
They hail in joy their roy­al Head;
And ma­ny more shall own His reign,
His won­drous love the vic­to­ry gain.

O God, be praised! the day is near­ing,
When to our ears a voice shall come,
Look up, the Lord is now ap­pear­ing,
To ga­ther all His loved ones home!

O bless­èd day of ju­bi­lee!
For Thee I wait! I wait for Thee!