Scripture Verse

Go…and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19


C. Austin Miles (1868–1946)

Words: C. Aus­tin Miles, 1916.

Music: From Alo­ha Oe Queen Li­li­uo­ka­la­ni of Ha­wa­ii. Ar­ranged by Clar­ence R. Kohl­mann (🔊 pdf nwc).

Queen Liliuokalani (1838–1917)


Go and tell un­to all the Gos­pel sto­ry,
They wait for the light of His Word;
They wait for the Mes­sen­ger of glo­ry,
Of whom they as yet have not heard.


O who will tell the sto­ry old,
The sto­ry of re­demp­tion ev­er new?
O who will bring them to the fold?
The Lord is wait­ing for you.

Tarry not, for the day­light hours are fleet­ing,
The shades of the night ga­ther fast;
Today in­to yes­ter­day re­treat­ing,
But warns thee that time can­not last.


There is One who is stand­ing, wait­ing, plead­ing,
He points to His hands and His side;
His wounds for the world are in­ter­ced­ing,
Go save them for whom He has died.
