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Scripture Verse

The high and lofty One who inhabits eternity. Isaiah 57:15


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1873.

Music: Old Or­chard I. All­an San­key, 1903 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

I. Allan Sankey (1874–1915)


God of eter­ni­ty, Sav­ior and king,
Help us to hon­or Thee, help while we sing;
Now may the clouds of night
Break into splen­dor bright,
Jesus, our life and light,
Our Lord and king!

God of eter­ni­ty, Ancient of Days,
Glorious in ma­jes­ty, au­thor of praise;
Hear Thou our ear­nest call,
While at Thy feet we fall,
Jesus, our all in all,
Our Lord and king!

God of eter­ni­ty, rul­er di­vine,
Strength of the migh­ty hills, all pow­er is Thine;
Boundless Thy reign shall be,
Wondrous Thy vic­to­ry,
Earth shall be filled with Thee,
Our Lord and king!

God of eter­ni­ty, love is Thy name,
God of the earth and sea, Thee we pro­claim;
Love, through Thine on­ly Son,
Thy work of grace hath done;
O bless­èd Three in One,
Our Lord and king!