Scripture Verse

Ye know not what shall be on the morrow. James 4:14


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, 1922.

Music: Bark­ing­side James D. Vaugh­an (🔊 pdf nwc).

James Vaughan


Dread not the things that are ahead,
The bur­dens great, the sink­ing sands,
The thorns that o’er the path are spread,
God holds the fu­ture in His hands.


God holds the fu­ture in His hands
And ev­ery heart He un­der­stands.
On Him de­pend, He is your friend,
He holds the fu­ture in His hands.

We know not what to­mor­row hides,
Of sun or storm or good or ill;
We only know His dear hand guides,
And He will be our fa­ther still.


His hand cre­at­ed earth and sky,
The ze­phyrs and the storms that rage,
And years to come and years gone by
To Him are but an op­en page.


Live close to Him and trust His love,
Assured that while on earth we roam,
Whate’er may come, He bends above
To guide His child­ren safe­ly home.
