Scripture Verse

He has set his foundation on the holy mountain. Psalm 87:1


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. The Church the birth­place of the saints; or, Jews and Gen­tiles unit­ed in the Chris­tian Church.

Music: Cri­mea Tho­ro Har­ris, cir­ca 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thoro Harris (1874–1955)


God in His earth­ly tem­ple lays
Foundations for His heav’n­ly praise:
He likes the tents of Ja­cob well,
But still in Zi­on loves to dwell.

His mer­cy vis­its ev­ery house
That pay their night and morn­ing vows;
But makes a more de­light­ful stay
Where church­es meet to praise and pray.

What glo­ries are des­cribed of old?
What won­ders are of Zi­on told?
Thou ci­ty of our God be­low,
Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know.

Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jews,
Shall there be­gin their lives anew;
Angels and men shall join to sing
The hill where liv­ing wa­ters spring.

When God makes up His last ac­count
Of na­tives in His ho­ly mount,
’Twill be an hon­or to ap­pear
As one new-born or nour­ished there!