He has set his foundation on the holy mountain.
Psalm 87:1
Words: Isaac Watts, The Psalms of David 1719. The Church the birthplace of the saints; or, Jews and Gentiles united in the Christian Church.
Music: Crimea Thoro Harris, circa 1905 (🔊
God in His earthly temple lays
Foundations for His heav’nly praise:
He likes the tents of Jacob well,
But still in Zion loves to dwell.
His mercy visits every house
That pay their night and morning vows;
But makes a more delightful stay
Where churches meet to praise and pray.
What glories are described of old?
What wonders are of Zion told?
Thou city of our God below,
Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know.
Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jews,
Shall there begin their lives anew;
Angels and men shall join to sing
The hill where living waters spring.
When God makes up His last account
Of natives in His holy mount,
’Twill be an honor to appear
As one new-born or nourished there!