On your feet! He’s calling you.
Mark 10:49
Words: S. W. Cope, in Riches of Grace, by Edmund S. Lorenz et al. (Dayton, Ohio: Lorenz, 1897), number 94.
Music: J. Howard Entwisle, 1897 (🔊
If you know Cope’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Entwisle, would you send us an e-mail?
God is calling you today,
Will you not the call obey?
Come and in His love confide,
Mercy’s door is open wide.
Yes, I come, my God to Thee,
Mercy is my only plea;
Saved by grace thro’ love divine,
I am now a child of Thine.
God is calling you today,
From your sins to turn away;
And from every idol part,
Loving Him with all your heart.
God is calling you today,
Whispers softly, Why delay
Hasten to the mercy seat,
Here He waits your soul to greet.
God is calling you today,
Calling, sinner, night and day;
Come by faith, His grace implore,
Saved from guilt to sin no more.