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Scripture Verse

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12


William G. Ballantine

Words: Will­iam G. Ball­an­tine, 1912, alt.

Music: Russ­ian Hymn Al­ex­is F. Lvov, 1833 (🔊 ).

Alexis F. Lvov (1798–1870)


God save Am­eri­ca! New world of glo­ry,
Newborn to free­dom and know­ledge and pow­er,
Lifting the tow­ers of her light­ning-lit ci­ties
Where the flood tides of hu­man­ity roar.

God save Am­eri­ca! Here may all rac­es
Mingle to­ge­ther as child­ren of God;
Founding an em­pire on bro­ther­ly kind­ness,
Equal in li­ber­ty, made of one blood.

God save Am­eri­ca! Bro­ther­hood ban­ish
Wail of the work­er and curse of the crushed;
Calling the na­tions to glad fe­der­ation;
Leading the world in the tri­umph of love.

God save Am­eri­ca! ’Mid all her splen­dors,
Save her from pride and from lux­ury;
Throne in her heart the un­seen and eter­nal;
Right be her might and the truth make her free.