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Scripture Verse

Have them make a sanctuary for Me, and I will dwell among them. Exodus 25:8


Gerhard Tersteegen

Words: Ger­hard Ter­stee­gen, Geist­lich­es Blu­men­gärt­lein, 1729 (Gott ist ge­gen­wär­tig). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Fred­er­ick W. Fos­ter & John Mill­er in the Mo­ra­vi­an Hymn-book (Lon­don: 1789). This ver­sion ap­peared in W. Mer­cer’s Con­gre­ga­tion­al Psalm and Hymn Book, 1855.

Music: Arns­berg Jo­ach­im Ne­an­der, Glaub-und Lieb­es­übung (Bremen, Ger­ma­ny: 1680) (🔊 ).

Joachim Neander


God re­veals His pre­sence,
Let us now ad­ore Him,
And with awe ap­pear be­fore Him.
God is in His tem­ple,
All in us keep si­lence,
And be­fore Him bow with rev­er­ence.
Him alone, God we own,
He’s our Lord and Sav­ior;
Praise His name for­ev­er.

God re­veals His pre­sence,
Whom an­gel­ic le­gions
Serve with awe in heav’n­ly re­gions:
Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly,
Sing the hosts of Heav­en,
Praise to God be ev­er giv­en:
Condescend to at­tend
Graciously, O Je­sus;
To our songs and prais­es.

O ma­jes­tic Be­ing,
Were our soul and bo­dy
Thee to serve at all times rea­dy;
Might we, like the an­gels
Who be­hold Thy glo­ry,
In sub­mis­sion sink be­fore Thee;
And through grace all our days
In our whole de­mea­nor,
Give Thee praise and hon­or!

Lord, come dwell with­in us,
While on earth we tar­ry,
Make us Thy blest sanc­tu­ary.
O vouch­safe Thy pre­sence,
Draw un­to us near­er,
And re­veal Thy­self still clear­er;
Us di­rect and pro­tect,
Thus we in all plac­es
Shall show forth Thy prais­es.