Scripture Verse

The Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. Isaiah 25:8


Words: Lot­ta B. White, 1902.

Music: Try­phe­na Al­ex­an­der B. Mor­ton, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of White or Morton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


God shall wipe all tears away,
By and by, by and by;
When earth’s night has passed away
By and by, by and by;
In that land that knows no night,
But where Je­sus is the light,
We shall walk in robes of white,
By and by, by and by.

God shall wipe all tears away,
By and by, by and by;
In that re­sur­rect­ion day,
By and by, by and by.
In that land so bright and fair,
With our loved ones we shall share
All the glo­ries over there,
By and by, by and by.

God shall wipe all tears away,
By and by, by and by;
All earth’s sor­rows will re­pay,
By and by, by and by.
No more part­ings, no more tears,
No more sigh­ing, no more fears,
Spend with Christ the end­less years,
By and by, by and by.

God shall wipe all tears away,
By and by, by and by;
We shall sing His praise for aye,
By and by, by and by.
We shall ne­ver know a care,
Nor a grief nor bur­den bear,
Always hap­py over there,
By and by, by and by.