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Scripture Verse

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1


Sewall S. Cutting

Words: Sew­all S. Cut­ting, in The Psalm­ist, ed­it­ed by Bar­on Stow & Sam­uel F. Smith (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Gould, Ken­dall & Lin­coln, 1843), num­ber 152. God of all Good­ness.

Music: Dwight, ar­ranged from Vin­cen­zo Bel­li­ni (1801–1835) by Jo­seph P. Hol­brook, in Songs for the Sanc­tu­ary, ed­it­ed by Charles S. Ro­bin­son (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: A. S. [Al­fred Smith] Barnes, 1868), page 205 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

  • Ames (Ma­son) Low­ell Ma­son, in The Bap­tist Hymn and Tune Book, ed­it­ed by John M. Ev­ans (Phi­la­del­phia Penn­syl­va­nia: Am­eri­can Bap­tist Pub­li­ca­tion Soc­ie­ty, 1871), page 54. Ap­parent­ly adapt­ed from Ames (von Neu­komm), by Si­gis­mund Rit­ter von Neu­komm (1778–1858). Non-stan­dard time sig­nature (🔊 ).
Joseph P. Holbrook


God of the world! Thy glo­ries shine
Through earth and Heav’n, with rays di­vine;
Thy smile gives beau­ty to the flow­er,
Thine an­ger to the tem­pest pow­er.

God of our lives! the throb­bing heart
Doth at Thy beck its act­ion start—
Throbs on, obe­di­ent to Thy will,
Or ceas­es, at Thy fa­tal chill.

God of eter­nal life! Thy love
Doth ev­ery stain of sin re­move;
The cross, the cross—its hal­lowed light
Shall drive from earth her cheer­less night.

God of all good­ness! to the skies
Our hearts in grate­ful an­thems rise;
And to Thy ser­vice shall be giv’n
The rest of life—the whole of Heav’n.