Scripture Verse

He thunders with a mighty voice. Job 37:4


Words: Is­aac Watts, Ho­ræ Ly­ri­cæ, Book 1, 1706, pag­es 73–74, alt.

Music: Old 100th at­trib­ut­ed to Lou­is Bour­geois, in Four Score and Se­ven Psalms of Da­vid (Ge­ne­va, Swit­zer­land: 1551) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


O the im­mense, th’amaz­ing height,
The bound­less gran­deur of our God,
Who treads the worlds be­neath His feet,
And sways the na­tions with His nod!

He speaks, and lo! all na­ture shakes,
Heav’n’s ev­er­last­ing pil­lars bow;
He rends the clouds with hi­de­ous cracks,
And shoots His fie­ry ar­rows through.

Well, let the na­tions start and fly
From light­ning’s blaz­ing, hor­rid glare;
Atheists and em­per­ors shrink and die
When flame and noise tor­ment the air.

Let noise and flame con­found the skies,
And drown the spa­cious realms be­low,
Yet will we sing the Thun­der­er’s praise,
And send our loud ho­san­nas through.

Celestial King, Thy blaz­ing pow­er
Kindles our hearts to flam­ing joys;
We shout to hear Thy thun­ders roar,
And ec­ho to our Fa­ther’s voice.

Thus shall the God our Sav­ior come,
And light­nings round His cha­ri­ot play;
Ye light­nings, fly to make Him room,
Ye glo­ri­ous storms, pre­pare His way.