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Scripture Verse

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1


Words: Ano­ny­mous, 1867.

Music: Promp­to Gen­tes An­imo Rou­en church tune (🔊 ).


God the Fa­ther, God the Word,
God the Ho­ly Ghost ad­ored:
Spare us, ho­ly Tri­ni­ty.

Spotless Lamb of God most high,
Manna com­ing from the sky:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Very Man and Word di­vine,
Hidden un­der bread and wine:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Purest Vic­tim, stain­less Priest,
Thou the Host, and Thou the Feast:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Bread of life, the an­gels’ food,
Cup of bless­ing, pre­cious blood:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Off’ring of most per­fect might,
Bond, Thy faith­ful to unite:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

From the tempt­ing lures of sin,
From all pride and lusts with­in:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.

From all un­be­lief in Thee,
Veiled in this great mys­te­ry:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.

By Thy sit­ting down to meat,
That last Pass­ov­er to eat:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Through the dread and ho­ly rite,
Founded on that aw­ful night:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Through Thy pre­sence with us here,
When we draw Thine al­tar near:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Help us, guide us, make us pure,
Give us bless­ings which en­dure:
Save us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Lead Thy pil­grims on their way,
Shine on us, un­end­ing Day:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.

When we draw our lat­est breath,
Feed us at the time of death:
Keep us, ho­ly Je­sus.