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Scripture Verse

The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:20


Words: Ri­chard F. Lit­tle­dale, 1875.

Music: Je­su, Je­su, Du Mein Hirt Paul Hein­lein, 1676 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Lit­tle­dale (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Paul Heinlein (1626–1686)


God the Fa­ther, God the Son,
Holy Ghost, the Com­fort­er,
Ever bless­èd Three in One,
Hearken to our hum­ble pray­er:
Hear us when we call to Thee,
Spare us, Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty.

Hear us, Son of God, O hear!
We ap­proach Thee for our dead;
Lead them, in the vale of fear,
Be Thy wings around them spread:
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

Child of Ma­ry, who didst bear,
Mortal flesh, for man to die;
Child of sor­row, toil, and care,
Grant them rest eter­nal­ly.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

Dweller in the vale of death,
Second Ad­am, source of life,
Wearer of the thor­ny wreath,
Victor in the dead­ly strife.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

Thou who didst let fall the tear
On the grave of Beth­any;
Who at Nain did stay the bier
That lone mo­ther’s tear to dry.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

Thou whose voice could wake the dead,
Maid! I say to thee, arise!
Who didst bow Thy dy­ing hand
On the day of sac­ri­fice.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

Thou who passedst through the gloom
Which en­shrouds the vale of death,
Guide their foot­steps through the tomb,
Shelter them Thine arms be­neath.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

By Thy flesh with scourg­es torn,
By Thy suf­fer­ing hu­man soul,
By the crown of wov­en thorn,
By the mock­ing ti­tle-scroll.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

By the qui­et rock-hewn cave,
Where Thy bo­dy slept so well,
When Thy Spir­it, through the grave,
Entered to the realms of hell:
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

By Thy preach­ing of the Christ
To the souls in pri­son bound,
When was rolled away the mist
Which had hung their vi­sion round.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

By the eter­nal sac­ri­fice
Which Thou plead­est at the throne,
Only gift which can suf­fice,
For that gift is all Thine own.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

By the of­fer­ing which we plead,
One with Thine in Heav­en above,
By the Lamb whose five wounds bled,
To fill full our cup of love.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

In the fell and fear­ful day,
Day of fu­ry and of ire,
When the earth shall melt away
In the thun­der-blast of fire.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.

When to hear the doom are met
Saints and sin­ners, quick and dead,
And the great white throne is set,
And the books are op­en spread.
Lord of life and love, we pray,
Grant them mer­cy in that day.