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Scripture Verse

The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14


Martin F. Shaw (1875–1958)

Words: Ar­thur C. Ain­ger, 1894.

Music: Pur­pose Mar­tin F. Shaw, 1915 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ain­ger (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


God is work­ing His pur­pose out
As year suc­ceeds to year;
God is work­ing his pur­pose out,
And the time is draw­ing near;
Nearer and near­er draws the time,
The time that shall sure­ly be,
When the earth shall be filled
With the glo­ry of God
As the wa­ters cov­er the sea.

From ut­most east to ut­most west,
Where’er man’s foot hath trod,
By the mouth of ma­ny mes­sen­gers
Goes forth the voice of God:
Give ear to Me, ye con­ti­nents,
Ye isles, give ear to Me,

That the earth may be filled
With the glo­ry of God
As the wa­ters cov­er the sea.

What can we do to work God’s work,
To pros­per and in­crease
The bro­ther­hood of all man­kind,
The reign of the Prince of Peace?
What can we do to hast­en the time?
The time that shall sure­ly be,
When the earth shall be filled
With the glo­ry of God
As the wa­ters cov­er the sea.

March we forth in the strength of God,
With the ban­ner of Christ un­furled,
That the light of the glo­ri­ous Gos­pel of truth
May shine through­out the world;
Fight we the fight with sor­row and sin
To set their cap­tives free,
That the earth may be filled
With the glo­ry of God
As the wa­ters cov­er the sea.

All we can do is no­thing worth
Unless God bless­es the deed;
Vainly we hope for the har­vest-tide
Till God gives life to the seed;
Yet near and near­er draws the time,
The time that shall sure­ly be,
When the earth shall be filled
With the glo­ry of God
As the wa­ters cov­er the sea.